Externship Essentials for Students

The Externship Exchange Program welcomes both MBS students and Undergraduates who meet the eligibility requirements. Participation is encouraged regardless of background or prior experience. If you’re ready to commit your time and energy to developing your skills and making an impact, this program is for you!



Quick Info

Application Process

Follow the link below for detailed instructions on application steps and get started on your application.

Read Application Steps

Student FAQs

Find answers to common student queries about eligibility, the Externship course, the application process, and projects.

Read Student FAQs


Join our next webinar to gain insights, and get answers to your questions about the program.

Upcoming Webinars

Breaking Down the Externship Program Experience

The MBS Externship Exchange is designed around two essential elements: The Project Experience, where you’ll collaborate with company mentors, advisors, and your team to tackle real-world challenges, and The Course Experience, which complements your project work with structured coursework and professional development activities. This dual approach ensures a well-rounded, hands-on learning experience.


The Project Experience

Key Highlights

  • Weekly 30-60 minute meetings with mentors and your team.
  • Regular updates to mentors and your MBS Externship Advisor.
  • Signing a Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Agreement (if required).
  • Final handoff presentation to company leadership.

The Course Experience

Key Highlights

  • Weekly Experience Labs with interactive activities and discussions.
  • Coursework completion and adherence to the code of conduct agreement.
  • Showcase your work at the semester’s Lightning Presentation Day.

Weeks 1 - 3

Course Kickoff, Information Search and Research Process, Introduction to Project Charters


Weeks 4 - 6

Team Development and Conflict Management, Concept Maps, Design Your Life, Design Thinking


Weeks 7 - 10

Leadership Styles, Project Charter Presentations, Individual Elevator Pitch and Team Presentation Skills


Weeks 11 - 14

Visual Design Guest Lecture, Slide Review and/or Dress Rehearsal for Lightning Talk Presentations, Final Lightning Talk Presentations


  • Fall and Spring Semesters: 14 weeks
  • Summer Semester: 12 weeks

Time Commitment

8–10 hours per week, which includes:

      • Weekly Leadership Experience Labs
      • Weekly team meetings with mentors


Undergraduates: Required to register for a 3-credit course

MBS Students: Option to take the course for credit (3 credits) or as a club (non-credit)

How Teams Are Structured

The Externship Exchange Program emphasizes collaboration across disciplines to enhance learning and ensure success. We ensure that both students and partner organizations get the most out of the program through a manual matching process.

Matching Process

  • Weekly availability for project meetings.
  • Major or concentration.
  • Skills and project interests.
  • No prior experience required to apply, but some projects may require specific skills.

Team Composition

  • Teams consist of 3-6 students from diverse academic and professional backgrounds and can  include both MBS and Undergraduate students.
  • Teams are guided by company mentors and faculty advisors.

Leadership Opportunity

  • Students can volunteer as Team Leads, using the opportunity to develop and enhance leadership skills.
  • Team Leads are expected to dedicate additional time    (1–2 hours per week) to their role.

Skills You’ll Learn

The Externship Exchange Program equips students with critical skills for both academic and professional growth.

Earn and Display Your Credentials

Students who successfully complete the program will receive:

  • A digital badge showcasing your skills and achievements.
  • Guidance on how to showcase your Externship Experience on resumes and LinkedIn profiles to stand out to future employers.