Student FAQs


1. I filled out the application. What’s next?

After submitting your application, it will be reviewed by our team, and additional correspondence will come from Our team will reach out for any additional information or clarification and to send an acceptance or denial letter. 

2. Can I know which team I’m placed on prior to accepting my offer to participate in the Externship program?

No. Due to our intensive matching process, we ask that students confirm participation prior to the start of the semester and prior to project teams being announced. This is due to the number of students we have participating each semester and that we sometimes have projects confirmed at the start of the semester. The project you will be placed on will match your interests and availability that you filled out on the form. We will not match you to a project unless you have confirmed your participation for the semester.

3. What is the deadline for me to confirm my acceptance to the Externship program?

You should confirm your participation in the Externship program as soon as possible before the start of the semester. You have until the add/drop period to decide, however we will not match you to a project until you confirm your acceptance.

Externship Projects

1. When do we get matched to projects? When will we know our project assignments?

The advisor committee matches students to projects about 1-2 weeks prior to the start of the semester. We release project assignments typically at the end of our first week or the beginning of the second week of the course (which is the end of the second week/beginning of the third week of the semester).

2. How are project team leads chosen?

Students on each team can volunteer to be considered for the team lead role. The final decision is made by the project advisor based on student experience, prior participation (if applicable), and desire to take on this position.

3. Are we able to choose our projects? If we are assigned to a project and would like to change to a different one, are we able to?

  • Students are not able to choose their project/company. Because of the number of students and partners we have participating each semester, we do our best to ensure that each project has appropriate students and the appropriate number of students assigned to it. 
  • We go through a very detailed and complex matching process to ensure students are matched to the best available project. During
    the matching process, we consider your experience, interests, and/or major, and weekly availability for that project’s weekly team meeting with the mentor. We cannot match you to a project that you are not available for, and because some projects are more complex or require background experience on a topic, we cannot match you to an advanced project. If you have any concerns about your team assignment, you can email the MBS Externship team to discuss.

4. How many hours per week should students dedicate to working on their projects?

Students, both MBS and undergraduates, put in about 8-10 hours of work per week including labs and meetings. Team leads typically have an extra 1-2 hours of work per week.

 5. How many students are typically on a team?

Students are matched to teams with a target of 4-8 student externs, plus an MBS Advisor as a mentor.

Externship Program

1. What is the timeline for the Externship program? When does the program start/end?

The Externship program follows the Rutgers academic calendar and is offered in the Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters. The Spring and Fall courses are 14 weeks long, and the Summer course is 12 weeks long. The Spring course begins in late January and ends in late April or early May. The Summer course begins in late May and ends in early August. The Fall course begins in early September and ends in mid-December.

2. Is the Externship program online?

All portions of the Externship program are held online, including the weekly Tuesday Externship Lab and all project meetings. Any additional team meetings can be held virtually or in-person and is up to the discretion of the team if in-person meetings are able to be held. Sometimes our partners are able to and do ask their students to visit their organization, but this is not a requirement of the program and will not have an impact on your grade. 

3. I plan on taking over 12 credits a semester as an MBS student. Can I still participate in the Externship program?

If you are planning on taking over 12 credits in a semester, excluding the Externship, as an MBS student, we will suggest dropping a course to participate. The Externship program is about 8-10 hours of work per week throughout the semester, and it can be challenging for students to take that many courses and the Externship. This includes attending the Tuesday Lab as well as your weekly project team meeting.

4. I’m planning on taking over 19 credits in a semester as an undergraduate student. Can I still participate in the Externship program?

If you are planning on taking over 19 credits in a semester, excluding the Externship, as an undergraduate student, we require you to either drop a course or defer your participation. Most programs will only allow for students to take a maximum of 21 credits per semester and we do not grant permission for students to overload.

5. Do the credits for this program meet the School of Engineering / Practicum / Honors College degree requirements?

You will need to contact an advisor in your specific program to determine what degree requirements the Externship may complete.

6. Are there scholarships available?

MBS Lead Externs with exceptional performance are eligible for the MBS Externship Fellowship. More information can be found here:

Externship Course

1. If you take the Externship for credit, would it count as a general elective?

Undergrads must take the Externship as a 3-credit course. MBS students can take the Externship for 3-credit or for club (not for credit). Once you confirm that you will be taking the Externship for academic credit for the MBS program, it counts as either a business or science elective (your choice).

2. As an MBS student, does the Externship course count as a business or science elective? 

If taking the Externship course for credit as an MBS student, you can choose whether it counts as a business or science elective. 

3. Is there a cost associated with taking the Externship course?

Standard tuition rates will incur for taking the Externship course. If you are an undergraduate student, please consult your program for more details. If you are an MBS student, please see the following for more information regarding current tuition rates (and link to the following page:

4. When can I see the Externship Canvas course page? I don’t see the Externship Canvas course page?

  • Students are added to the Canvas course page as you register for the course, and the Canvas course page is opened 1-2 weeks before the start of the semester.
  • If you do not see the Externship Canvas course page, please contact us to let us know. We sometimes have to add students to the course manually, and it can take up to a week to do so.

5. What is the difference between ‘for credit’ and ‘for club?’

  • ‘For credit’ means taking the course for academic credit, and requires students to pay the standard tuition rate for three academic credits. The course will be graded, and you will see it on your transcripts. All undergraduate students are required to take the course for credit.
  • ‘For club’ is an option for MBS students not in their first semester. MBS students who participate in clubs are not required to register for academic credit and do not receive an official grade for the course. 
  • Both options undergo the same curriculum, and students are expected to fulfill the same course and participation requirements. 

6. Can undergraduate students take the Externship without paying for the credits?

No, undergraduates are required to participate in the Externship program for 3 academic credits.

7. Is the Externship course pass/fail, or are there letter grades assigned at the end of the semester?

There are letter grades assigned for the Externship course. The course grading scale, assignments and point values, and assignment weights can be found on the course syllabus on Canvas.

8. I’m an MBS Analytics student. How do I take the Externship to fulfill the Analytics Practicum requirements?

MBS Analytics students must register for the Advanced Analytics & Practicum course 16:137:551. This course is in conjunction with the Externship course, and students are required to attend the online Externship Lab on Tuesdays from 5:10-6:40 PM, the online Advance Analytics & Practicum course that is typically scheduled biweekly on Tuesdays from 6:40 to 8:10 PM, and their assigned weekly online project meetings. You will be added to both the Externship and Advanced Analytics & Practicum courses on Canvas. Practicum students also have additional assignments outside of those listed for the Externship course.

9. What are the requirements for the Externship course?

To participate in the Externship course, you must attend Tuesday Lab from 5:10-6:40 PM, as well as your weekly project team meeting. Both of these meetings are held virtually over Zoom, and full attendance and participation at both are required for all students. Students are also required to put in 8-10 hours of work per week (this estimate typically includes the weekly Lab and weekly project team meeting) on project-related tasks and complete the outlined Externship assignments. These assignments are listed on the syllabus and the Canvas course and are subject to change. 

10. I’m an international MBS student. Am I able to take the Externship or Analytics Practicum course(s) in person to satisfy my degree requirements?

Yes. We do offer in-person sections of both the Externship course and the Advanced Analytics & Practicum course for international MBS. Students who register for either of these courses are required to attend the in-person sessions, which are announced before the start of the semester and typically are held on Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30 PM. All other portions of the in-person sections will align with the Externship or Advanced Analytics & Practicum courses.

11. As an undergraduate student, does the Externship course count as an elective or toward my degree?

If you are an undergraduate student in the Externship course, you can contact your academic advisor or an advisor from your program to learn more about if the course can count as an elective. We have some partnerships with other Rutgers programs, and some are able to count it toward your degree.

12. Can I still register for the Externship if I have a class that ends at 5:00 or 5:10 PM on Tuesdays (Externship Lab is every Tuesday from 5:10-6:40 PM)?

Yes, you can register if your class ends at the start time of the lab session. When confirming your participation, let us know if you have a scheduling conflict, and we can send you a different SPN for registration.

    Have further questions about the Externship program? Contact us at: