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Our Mission Global Health at Rutgers Many faculty across Rutgers pursue research that impacts the health of vulnerable populations, and a variety of courses, concentrations, and fieldwork exposes students to issues affecting the health of communities. There are global health centers and offices within the New Jersey Medical School, the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, the School of Nursing, and the School of Public Health, dedicated primarily to enhancing awareness and learning.
News Home / You searched for Striking Twice, Again: MBS Externship Exchange “Lightning Talks” – April 26 and May 3, 2022 May 18, 2022 | ExternshipsThrough Rutgers Master of Business and Science (MBS) Externship Exchange program, students are...Privacy Policy
Home / You searched for WEB PRIVACY POLICY The Rutgers Collaboratory for Externships and Experiential Innovation (CEEI) is committed to safeguarding the privacy and accuracy of your confidential information to the extent possible, subject to provisions of state and...Research
Home / You searched for Experiential learning research is conducted by our distinguished faculty. Get insight into the work our faculty does outside of your respective programs. You can get access to some conference presentations, abstracts, & publications that...What Is Global Health?
COURSES Home / You searched for Externship While health is often thought of in a physical or health care context, its meaning is much broader. Health refers not only to the absence of illness, but also, as defined in the 1946 Constitution of the World Health...Student Conference Participation
Home / You searched for {search_term_string} Student Conferences & Participation Our students have the opportunity to participate and present at many prestigious conferences around the country. Students can showcase their work to industry & research...Externships
Rutgers University’s involvement in global health reaches the majority of the world’s countries. Faculty lead and collaborate on projects that advance global health education, research, and service. Students explore global health professions and opportunities through academic coursework, co-curricular experiences, and volunteer efforts throughout the United States and worldwide. Partnerships between Rutgers and countries, governments, and organizations around the world combine with New Jersey-based collaborations to create global impact.