Rutgers Externship Bootcamps offer students valuable hands-on work experience through 100% online, project-based learning. Guided by industry leaders, these bootcamps ensure that each semester’s projects evolve to meet the demands of the ever-changing professional landscape, making every bootcamp a unique experience.

Public Health Bootcamp Title image


Program Overview

Comprehensive, hands-on learning through industry-led projects and real-world challenges.

Collaboration with Industry Leaders

Industry leaders are brought in to work with our program to create unique and challenging projects every semester.

Student-Led Leadership

Students have the opportunity to take initiative and steer their projects to the next level.

Weekly Guidance

Teams meet with industry leaders weekly to discuss, iterate, and receive guidance.

Dynamic Curriculum

Our Externship Bootcamps are designed to evolve with the ever-changing professional environment.

What our students are saying…




This Externship Bootcamp and working on the website has been a great learning experience for me, as I have been able to connect to so many different industry and healthcare professionals since I started. As a rising sophomore at Rutgers, I always wished I had more resources to help me understand COVID-19 during my first year. I am proud to be a part of a team that is working towards creating those resources for the Rutgers community.

Nora Asker HC Public Health




The Wall Street Bootcamp was an extraordinary opportunity to grow and develop my analytical skill set in computer science…I learned a lot of new professional and soft skills throughout the project, such as time management, teamwork collaboration, communication and presentation skills, and many more.

Vraj Patel MBS Analytics




I feel that this project was something that I needed in order to elevate my skills to apply in a real industry professional environment and learn how to be a leader. I have gained the tools and knowledge of how a project works and really the freedom one has to determine the outcome. We had full reign on really anything I wanted to explore and took advantage of that to fully develop amazing skills, connections, and a great final product on our website.

Shrey Joshi  SOE Biomedical Engineering





Looking at this site today, especially our survey results, I am so proud of the work we were able to accomplish as students. I can remember the day, back in October 2020, that I proposed we seek Institutional Review Board approval for a COVID survey. Little did I know that in the coming months, I would gain a plethora of knowledge about the IRB process specifically.

Fiona Schafer HC Public Health


Words From Our Advisors


“The Wall Street Bootcamp helps students develop top-down understanding about different industries, build bottom-up financial forecasts, and understand how the skills developed in their respective academic programs can lead to unique analytical insights. The career success observed in more than twenty cohorts of students dating back to 2017 helped me understand the significant impact of this program.”

Ben Nelson

Advisor, Wall Street Bootcamp

Words From Our Advisors


“The Maritime Risk Bootcamp provides students with a framework for analyzing and assessing cybersecurity challenges and other risks in the maritime sector. By guiding participants through the process of researching unfamiliar territories, synthesizing diverse information, and evaluating risks, the program cultivates a unique skill set that bridges theoretical knowledge with practical industry applications.”

Brian Petrus

Advisor, Maritime Risk Bootcamp

Words From Our Advisors


“The Public Health Bootcamp helps students identify current public health issues across all populations, focusing on daily living activities and resource availability. They develop skills to address real-life challenges using communication tools (social media, flyers, websites), education, and resource connections to tackle public health problems. Their depth, concern, and perseverance in finding solutions and paying it forward have impressed me.”

Virginia Petraglia

Advisor, Public Health Bootcamp


Ready To Grow Your Career?

Not sure where to start? Register for our upcoming webinar to get detailed information on the Externship Program.